SimplePDO.php Its very useful to simple pdo to mysql drive It have CRUD method include

SimplePDO.php Its Developed From  Bennett Stone publish by I am actually already have this link PDO CRUD with use PHP Class file but It was perfect class file ... Continue Reading →

PDO CRUD with use PHP Class file

php data object to use create,read,update and delete query with class file use. 1.config.php <?php //  Database Config File define('DB_NAME','crud'); define('DB_HOST','localhost'); define('DB_USER','root'); define('DB_PASS',''); ?> 2.connection.php <?php include_once( ... Continue Reading →

Difference between session and cookie in php

The main difference being that session data is stored on the server, while cookie data is stored on the client. Therefore, a client can easily modify the cookie contents, but will ... Continue Reading →